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95 Theses for a Free Republic

Updated: Mar 12

Out of love for Country and Liberty, and the desire to ensure the elevation of solutions for its survival, the following propositions should be discussed and defended in town halls, county seats, state capitals and Washington DC with the expectation of correcting the indulgences of our nation’s political and corporate leadership. The theses below are posted in hopes to moderate the fury of party spirit, to warn against the mischiefs of foreign intrigue, to guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism, to disempower global corporate hegemony, and offer structural mechanisms to mitigate their excesses so as to empower individual liberty of “we the people”.


  1. The United States of America was created by citizens of many cultures and religious creeds whose leadership was elected to ensure self-governance for the people. (1)

  2. Self-governance requires a legitimate basis for the creation of laws that protect the rights of an independent citizenry. (2)

  3. The United States required a framework of governance for the establishment of legitimacy in its laws. (3)

  4. The citizens who constructed that original framework of our governance should be considered architects who constructed a foundation on which to build a new legitimate system of governance. (4)

  5. The citizen architects of our system of governance constructed the foundational principles to house the aspirations of many people under one roof in order to create one nation. (5)

  6.  The architects of this nation were the most politically knowledgeable men of their day, but with social perspectives limited to their time and place. (6)

  7. The architects of this nation, understanding moral fallibility is inherent in humans seeking power, created a structure of checks and balances to limit the inevitable damage that can occur when centralized power to alter that structure is left unchecked.(7)

  8. The architects of this nation, understanding the limitations in their own social perspectives, created a structure that can be renovated (amended) by the citizens within a prescribed rule of law.(8)

  9. The chief architect and first president of this governmental structure, George Washington, delivered to  the people of this nation an owner’s manual in the form of a Farewell Address on how future generations could best to maintain the structure.(9)

  10. Our first president’s owner’s manual warns of the pitfalls known in 18th century America to our governing structure if parasitic infestations and negligence of duty goes unchecked and/or unchallenged.(10)

  11. Since the publication of the owner’s manual 227 years ago, generations have grown numb to potential dangers of these pitfalls.(11)

  12. Our cumulative lack of disciplined diligence to our owner’s manual  has created a structure that has been undermined by the cumulative and generational  laziness of citizens who has allowed an opportunistic and parasitic politicized leadership who gain prominence and power through discord and division. (12)

  13. Primary points of  Washington's owner’s manual can be divided into four themes: (13)

a.  Moderating the fury of party spirit

b.  Warning against the mischiefs of foreign intrigue

c.  Guarding against the impostures of pretended patriotism

d. Maintaining fiscal responsibility


 Washington's thoughts on party spirit and pretended patriotism (paraphrased)



  1. This spirit of party is inseparable from our nature, but, in those governments of the popular form, it is truly their worst enemy. (14)

  2. The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, is itself frightful despotism.(15)

  3. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the power of an individual.(16)

  4. Sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of their own elevation.(17)

  5. The spirit of passionate factionalism always serves to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration.(18)

  6. Factionalism agitates the citizenry with ill-founded jealousy and false alarms.(19)

  7. Factionalism kindles the animosity of one group against another in ways that can occasionally foment riot and insurrection.(20)

  8. The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all departments in one, and thus creating a real despotism.(21)


Tools I will fight for to build the moderation and guards needed


  1. A candidate for political office can only accept funds from individual citizens qualified to vote for them.(22)

  2. A candidate for political office should be limited to how many years they can serve to ensure the public benefit is not compromised by the power accumulated for their self-benefit.(23)

  3. The source of income by political candidates or office holders must be fully disclosed.(24)

  4. Elected members of Congress must not partake in a retirement plan. They should receive Social Security like the rest of us.(25)

  5. End the practice of dividing the Congressional chambers along party lines and have all state delegations sitting together in both Legislative houses.(26)

  6. If the Senate maintains a filibuster rule, then the actual filibuster must take place and must adhere to the subject of legislation under debate.(27)

  7. End the practice of omnibus bills: any bill must pertain to one subject only, and that subject shall be expressed in the title.(28)

  8. The Senate and the House must return to their original role of checks and balances with each other.(29)

  9. For the Senate and House to check each other, it must have different constituencies.(30)

  10. Amend the 17th amendment so the Senate can return to its original constitutional role as representing state governments.(31)

  11. The districts of members of the House of Representatives should be reduced in size to reflect a closer connectivity with the people of the district.(32)

  12. No elected official can leave elected office and work in any “position of influence” (Board of Trustees or be employed as a lobbyist) with a 501c4 for a period equal to his/her time in office.(33)

  13. Donations to lobbying organizations must be made public by anyone seeking public office.(34)

  14. Citizens of the Republic should be governed more by the government closest to them: The State.(35)

  15. Services to the citizenry’s well being should be the primary responsibility of the State. (36)

  16. Hearings by legislative committees should only be shared publicly through transcripts and end video recording except for security purposes.(37)


 Warnings against the mischiefs of foreign intrigue (paraphrased)



  1. Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all.(38)

  2. Nothing is more essential than to shun passionate hatred against particular nations and passionate attachments for other nations.(39)

  3. In place of these extreme passions, just and amicable feelings towards all should be created.(40)

  4. The nation which indulges towards another a habitual hatred, or a habitual fondness is a habitual target of others.(41)

  5. An addictive sympathy for a favorite nation lures our nation into participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate justification.(42)

  6. Concessions and privileges to a favorite nation denied to others is apt to create an atmosphere of jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate.(43)

  7.  These concessions allow ambitious and corrupt citizens who devote themselves to the favorite nation substantial prejudice to betray and sacrifice the interests of their own country in exchange for short term popularity rooted in the vices of ambition, corruption, or infatuation.(44)

  8. The great rule for us regarding foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations with as little political connection as possible.(45)

  9. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause us to see danger only on one side and serve to hide, and even increase. a more negative influence from the other.(46)

  10. With neutrality we would be more highly respected so that belligerent nations, under the impossibility of taking advantage of us, will not lightly risk giving us provocation.(47)

  11. Take care always to keep ourselves on a respectable defensive posture, we may safely trust to temporary alliances for extraordinary emergencies.(48)

  12. There can be no greater error than to expect or calculate upon real favors from nation to nation. It is an illusion, which experience should cure, which a just pride should discard.(49)

  13. Let existing alliances be observed in their genuine sense. But, it would be unwise to extend them.(50)

  14. Harmony, liberal intercourse with all nations, are recommended by policy, humanity, and interest.(51)

  15. Our commercial policy should hold an equal and impartial hand; neither seeking nor granting exclusive favors or preferences.(52)

  16. Diffuse and diversify by gentle means the streams of commerce but forcing nothing.(53)

  17. Establish powers so disposed to give trade a stable course, to define the rights of our business owners, and to enable the government to support them under conventional rules of trade.(54)

  18. It is folly for one nation to look for disinterested favors from another; that it must pay with a portion of its independence. (55)

  19. We should not leave our own land to stand upon foreign ground.(56)

  20. Never avoid opportunities by cultivating peace with all nations, no matter their system of governance(57)

  21. By interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, Africa, Asia, or the Middle East, we entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of localized ambition or rivalry. (58)

  22. It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.(59)



How would I ensure these "foreign" mischiefs are minimized?

  1. President cannot send military troops into harm’s way inside the domain of a foreign nation without a formal declaration of war by the House of Representatives.(60)

  2. The USA is to honor all obligations that have been signed, but to seek in all future relations a status of neutrality.(61)

  3. Initiate plans to phase out the presence of a standing army in foreign lands.(63)

  4. Military training at 18 years of age for qualified men and women (64)

  5. State/home guard active service for minimum 2 years and never to be utilized outside the State of residency unless order of the Governor or, constitutional declaration of war.(64)

  6. Our nation’s foreign policy initiatives must never be determined by profit driven corporations.(65)


Washington's concerns about fiscal responsibility (paraphrased)

  1. As a very important source of strength and security, we must protect our public credit.(66)

  2. Preserve public credit by using it as sparingly as possible.(67)

  3. Avoid the accumulation of debt, not only by shunning occasions of expense, but by vigorous exertion in time of peace to discharge the debts (68)

  4. We must not throw upon posterity the burden which we ourselves ought to bear.(69)

  5. It is essential that we should practically bear in mind that towards the payment of debts there must be revenue.(70)

  6. It's impossible to produce revenue for the necessities of government that don't cause personal inconvenience or annoyance, but, the hard truth is that to make revenue, there must be taxes. (71)

  7. Hold the maxim no less applicable to the public than to private affairs, that honesty is always the best policy.(72)



How do I propose to maintaining fiscal responsibility? It is painfully evident the National Government has lost the discipline necessary to manage the funds it automatically collects from our paychecks. A radical change is needed to ensure we are not permanently and irreparably damaged by our current and ever growing debt burden


  1. The National Debt reached a record high at 128.1% of the nation’s annual economic output, the largest it has been since it reached 118.9% after World War II. (73)

  2. Create a time-definable plan to pay off the majority % of the debt of the Federal Government with a short term increased progressive income tax on upper incomes if Federal spending cuts do not meet established goals.(74)

  3. Any increased tax must be utilized to lower the debt to the goals established within a time frame most conducive to striking an acceptable balance between growth and debt reduction.(75)

  4.  Amend the 16th amendment to create a federal income tax only to fund the investment necessitated by a formal declaration of war by the House of Representatives.(76)

  5. Any Federal income tax created for a specific war debt expires once those war debts are paid for.(77)

  6. The tax burden on citizens to finance services legislated by their elected representatives should come primarily from state governments.(78)

  7. Federal taxes should be based primarily on consumption of goods: local, interstate, imports.(79)

  8. States, along with counties, should be allowed the exclusive right to create a permanent income tax as well as sales tax.(80)

  9. Property taxes should be eradicated in lieu of sales tax on products produced from property and property sales.(81)

This completes portion of the these that was inspired by Washingtons Farewell Address


My personal thoughts Global/National Corporations (G/NC)


  1. The constitution’s protection of private property, and relative ease in establishing corporations, provided for the unprecedented expansion of individual entrepreneurialism and a competitive marketplace.(82)

  2. The 18th Century architects of this nation did not anticipate the accumulated power of 21st century G/NCs.(83)

  3. Modern G/NCs have assumed monopolistic power over local populations equal to or surpassing what was traditionally reserved for the government. (84)

  4. Modern Monopolistic G/NCs have undermined the opportunities for entrepreneurialism; both economic and political independence, to thrive on a local/state level.(85)

  5. The centralized monopolistic culture of G/NCs has infiltrated our society affecting political parties, professional associations, state/federal departments, and regulatory agencies undermining individualism, free thought, and intellectual competitiveness.(86)


What I feel we should do to limit corporate hegemony


  1. Constitutional amendment to distinguish “Natural Persons,” or individual citizens, from “Artificial personas,” or corporations.(87)

  2. Amend the 14th amendment to read Natural Persons.(88)

  3. Establishment of, and rigid enforcement of, antitrust laws in both the State and National marketplace with prioritized focus on media and medical conglomerates.(89)

  4. Prohibition of federal law intervening in individuals right to self-medicate.(90)

  5. Institute rank choice or approval voting for federal office.(91)

  6. Prohibit straight ticket voting along party lines.(92)

  7. Prohibit local/state/federal administrative support for political party primaries.(93)

  8. Prohibit any natural person holding federal position (elected or employee) from joining the board of a corporation or hired as executive leadership in a corporation for a time period equal to their most recent time in office/employment.(94)

  9. Prohibit any candidate or holder of federal or state elected office, or, any person who holds a regulatory position with state or federal government, from investing in publicly held corporations.(95)



Michael E. Bedenbaugh

Candidate for SC 3rd District

House of Representatives

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